Kim Ephgrave 27th January 2011

I was happy to be assigned Mr. Farnham for Biology because my sister told me he was great, but she couldn't explain how much those mice and rats would stink! I spent my junior year feeding the rodents that fed the reptiles, then came back as a senior for Advanced Bio, so I got the smell (along with the charm of the sea turtle, hedgehog, etc.) every year at Pali. Once I became an educator myself (professor of surgery) and won teaching awards, people would ask who were my own best teachers. Mr. Farnham always topped my list. At age 14 I was flabbergasted when he assigned us questions to investigate that had no right answers! But what a great way to learn, debating our different opinions based on the different sources we'd found. Mr. Farnham may have had little tolerance for bureaucracy, but he treated his students with interest and respect. He loved Biology, so we did too. Thanks to Mr. Farnham, his family, and maybe even the administrations that tolerated his fantastic zoo, for what he did for thousands of students.